Current Research Studies
​Vocational Fit Assessment and Employment Status in People with Intellectual Disabilities
- NIH funded research study through the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) that focuses on quantifying the reliability and validity of the Vocational Fit Assessment (VFA).
- The intended population is people with intellectual disabilities in diverse special education, Project SEARCH and vocational rehabilitation settings.
- We are enrolling participant dyads that include:
- Adults with intellectual disabilities, aged 18-26
- A person who knows them well and has been a part of their life for at least 60 days (partner reporters, e.g., teacher, parent, job coach, employer)
- Participant dyads complete interviews with researchers to gather data about the VFA and other related measures.
Evaluation of Vocational Fit Assessment Clinical Utility
- This sub-study focuses on quantifying the responsiveness and clinical utility of the Vocational Fit Assessment (VFA).
- Participants will complete a survey about their opinions on the VFA and its usefulness and relevance to their practice.
- A subsample of participants will participate in focus groups to add depth of understanding to survey responses.
Evaluation of Vocational Fit Assessment Algorithm Accuracy
- This sub-study focuses on evaluating the algorithm that the Vocational Fit Assessment (VFA) uses.
- Participants will complete a survey designed to allow key stakeholders to use their professional judgment to evaluate data that results from the VFA reports.
- A subsample of participants will participate in focus groups to add depth of understanding to survey responses.
Vocational Fit Assessment - Self-Report (VFA-SR) for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Master student thesis project that focused on the development and content validity assessment of the Vocational Fit Assessment - Self Report (VFA-SR), an adaptation of the Vocational Fit Assessment that will be intended for self-report by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- The VFA-SR was adapted and optimized using simplification of language and structure, enhanced accessibility features, and addition of features including images accompanying each question.
- Development of the VFA-SR is continuing as the focus of a doctoral student's dissertation.